Do you live close to me? Do you get to peek into my knitting bag? If so you probably know that I have made many of these little shrugs. I have knitted them on vacations, from different yarns, in many sizes for sale, you may even own one that you have purchased at the open house at the studio tour.
My daughter owns them in all colors of the rainbow just because. And you can't beat the versatility when you live in a place like this - it can be super hot during the day, but cools down quickly, when the sun sets.
And they are cute, right?!

This one I finished on a New Years getaway to Palm Springs in 2012, glitz was added to celebrate the occasion!
Whenever I made one I planned to put the pattern into perfect a format, so that I can eventually sell it.
I kind of did, when I made this version two years ago for a knitting class, but it needed some polishing. Before I could get that done one of the used yarns was discontinued, so it was all wrong. Again back to square one.
Now finally just a few weeks ago I found the perfect yarn to combine with the lovely Blue Skies brushed Suri Alpaca, which works so well for these, it's Colorando by Plymouth Yarns.
I knitted the new version within days and corrected my original pattern. Bam.
The Yarn Store at Nob Hill carries it now and this latest green version of the "Enchanted Shorty Shrug" hangs on their wall as a visual teaser!
Happy sigh.
And if you would kindly share my joy….I have made the pattern available for knitters through Ravelry, which is a dream come true.
I am now a designer on Ravelry.
Another happy sigh and a happy dance! It's such a great thing when dreams come true!
I sure hope that your week was as successful and happy as mine!